Main Conditions of Membership
- Candidate members shall perform their business activity in the Czech Republic with their own trademark or brand for offered goods and services and in line with the principles and rules of conduct binding on the AOP members, in particular by respecting a fair and honest approach to their customers, sellers and competitors.
- Candidate members shall apply for the membership by filing an application in which they declare that they have conducted their business activity for at least 1 year prior to submittal of the application, that they still conduct business activities mainly via direct selling in line with the AOP Code of Conduct and that they oblige to uphold the Code throughout their membership.
- Candidate members whose applications have been accepted shall become pending members upon payment of their membership fees.
During the trial period of one year, pending members are entitled to act with respect to third parties as members. Reasonable rights and obligations of a member company shall apply to pending members with the exception of voting rights and the right to propose their candidates.
Member companies are obliged to uphold the Code of Conduct and the Articles of Association of the Czech Direct Selling Association as a condition of admission and continuing membership in the AOP.

- Conditions
- Member Benefits

- Conditions
- Member Benefits